Acquisition of All That Parcel of Freehold Land Held Under GRN 49797 Lot 942, Mukim Semenyih, Daerah Ulu Langat, Negeri Selangor ("Land") For A Cash Consideration Of RM14,210,000 ("proposed Land Acquisition")
Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID
Acquisition of all that parcel of freehold land held under GRN 49797 Lot 942, Mukim Semenyih, Daerah Ulu Langat, Negeri Selangor ("Land") for a cash consideration of RM14,210,000 ("Proposed Land Acquisition")
Acquisition of all that parcel of freehold land held under GRN 49797 Lot 942, Mukim Semenyih, Daerah Ulu Langat, Negeri Selangor ("Land") for a cash consideration of RM14,210,000 ("Proposed Land Acquisition")
Query Letter content
We refer to your announcement dated 29 February 2012 in respect of the above matter. In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") with the following additional information for public release:- The date of the Sale & Purchase Agreement ("SPA"). The method of valuation of the Land. 3. The net book value of the Land based on Idealpalm Ventures Sdn Bhd's latest audited accounts. 4. The basis of arriving at the purchase consideration. If it was based on net book value, the year the net book value was taken into consideration, quantifying the net book value and stating whether it was based on audited financial statements. 5. The terms of any arrangement for payment of the purchase consideration on a deferred basis. 6. The existing use and proposed use of the Land. 7. If the Land is intended to be developed, the following additional details: a) the details of development potential, i.e. name of the project, type of development - residential, industrial or commercial, number of units in respect of each type of development; b) the total development cost; c) the expected commencement and completion date(s) of development; d) the expected profits to be derived; e) the sources of funds to finance the development cost; and f) whether relevant approvals for the development have been obtained and date(s) obtained. 8. The breakdown of the sources of funding for the Proposed Land Acquisition between bank borrowings and internally generated funds.
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9. The effects of the Proposed Land Acquisition on the gearing of the Knusford Berhad group. 10. The salient features of the SPA. 11. The prospects of the Land. 12. The highest percentage ratio applicable to the Proposed Land Acquisition pursuant to Paragraph 10.02(g) of the Main Market Listing Requirements.
Please furnish Bursa Securities with your reply within one (1) market day from the date hereof.
Yours faithfully
TAN YEW ENG Head, Issuers Listing Division Regulation